Get traffic statistics, SEO keyword opportunities, audience insights, and competitive analytics for Ecole-marketing-luxe. The registered address of these companies is 1 rue Bougainville 75007 Paris, They may be contacted via email at For what purpose do we process your personal data? Écoles et formations Marketing digital. It is the school of reference for luxury and the only school in the world to have been designed and managed by professionals of the sector. is 1 decade 9 months old. In 1995, Sup de Luxe became part of EDC Paris Business School, a reference school in entrepreneurship. Open on each sector of the luxury market and in double degree with the Institut National de Gemmologie, the Bachelor gives you special knowledge on jewellery and watchmaking industries. Salariés ayant minimum un bac+3 et 3 ans d’activité professionnelle dans le secteur du luxe ou en marketing, communication, digital marketing ou en vente et distribution. Ainsi, notre MBA est l’un des seuls diplômes d’école de marketing du luxe à être multisectoriel afin de former des étudiants employables immédiatement et … First in the rankings of training courses preparing for the luxury industry and luxury management, our programmes are references in France and abroad. The delocalized MBA programs of Beijing allow our students to follow courses specialized in our three main majors: art market management, cultural project management and luxury management. You may exercise the rights of access, deletion, rectification, opposition, limitation and portability, by post to Association EDC, Post office box 221 of Barcelona, or by email to, Advanced Certificate of Business French and Luxury, MBA Luxury Brand Marketing and International Management, MBA/MS.c Food & Wine International Management, MBA Online – Luxury Management in the Digital Age, , will be responsible for the personal data, submitted on this website, by telephone, entered on any of our printed forms, obtained as a result of our relations with you, and derived from your browsing and consumption habits. Ci-contre, la liste complète des écoles proposant des formations dans la filière Marketing digital. will stop processing the data, except for cases in which they are legally obliged to do so, or to exercise or defend against any possible claims. Pendant une semaine, nos étudiants sont challengés sur leur capacité à entreprendre et à présenter des projets ambitieux et innovants. Advanced Certificate of Business French and Luxury, MBA Luxury Brand Marketing and International Management, MBA/MS.c Food & Wine International Management, MBA Online – Luxury Management in the Digital Age, MBA Online Luxury Management in the Digital Age,,, Certificat supérieur Français des affaires et luxe, Executive programs that are constantly in tune with the needs of the sector, Teaching only provided mainly by Brand and House professionals, but also by high-level research professors, Weekly contacts with the decision-makers who make luxury goods, Visits to companies, trade fairs, creative workshops, production centers, logistics centers, etc, Interviews with recruitment agencies and human resources managers, The regular support of a network of 3,000 graduates who hold executive positions in companies of the sector, Evening classes to allow MBA students to assume a position or internship during the day. Comment intégrer une école dans le luxe ? School belonging to EDC Paris Business School, private technical higher education institution, member of the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles. MBA Marketing Luxe Mode Beauté. English MCQ and mini essay from a proposed theme - 30min - Coef 2. As mentioned above, the prospective communication of our own and/or third-party products and services, as well as the creation of commercial profiles and the transferral of such profiles and your personal data to third-party companies of Grupo Planeta, are additional forms of processing your data conditional on the consent requested from you. ● Bachelor Marketing de luxe, Collège de Paris Le Collège de Paris propose depuis 2015 un bachelor en marketing du luxe. Any such claims can be presented to this authority via any of the channels offered at the electronic headquarters of the Spanish Data Protection Agency,,, Certificat supérieur Français des affaires et luxe, General knowledge, history and issues of the sector, Introduction to Marketing / Luxury Marketing, Introduction to Human Resources Management, Competition: written and oral tests. Pour maîtriser les codes spécifiques aux secteurs de la Beauté, du Spa & du Luxe. This website is estimated worth of $ 1,440.00 and have a daily income of around $ 6.00. Category Education It is the ideal springboard to join the MBAs of Sup de Luxe or integrate the professional world of Brands and Houses. They have to understand that luxury is a world of constant creativity, which they will have to foster while respecting tradition and at the same time learn from the latest innovations of our world. 3 years of diploma training that can also be the ideal springboard for Sup de Luxe MBAs. Discovery and understanding of the luxury sector. to the rest of the companies that form part of Grupo Planeta so that they can send you commercial communications about their products and services or the products and services of third-party companies that belong to or are unrelated to Grupo Planeta. Since its creation, our school has known an undeniable success among French and international students. Elle forme les étudiants de post-bac à bac+5 aux attentes des métiers du management et marketing de luxe. ℹ️ receives about 87 unique visitors per day, and it is ranked 3,346,876 in the world. Interested parties can exercise these rights and the withdrawal of their consents, if applicable, at any time by sending written notification to, , Post office box 221 of Barcelona or by email to, . 23 were here. The registered address of these companies is, Moreover, you can contact our Data Protection Manager by email to. The Luxury Bachelor leads to a state-recognised degree, European level II/6. Inscriptions. Format: Class and internships. It allows you to apprehend the marketing, communication and commercialisation technics. Regular meetings with industry professionals bring to this program what has been the success of Sup de Luxe for 30 years: the recognition of Brands and Houses and the advantages it offers when these wish to recruit new employees. Association EDC will process your personal details in order to manage its relations with you and to send you commercial communications via any means, even after our relations with you have terminated, in order to keep you informed about our products and services similar to those you have contracted. Rejoignez notre formation et suivez la spécialisation Marketing Luxe, mode, Tourisme en 3e année pour vous préparer aux métiers du secteurs du Luxe. Sup de luxe, a reference school in luxury management, has been backed by a Cartier chair for 30 years. Marketing du luxe Bretagne Moreover, you can contact our Data Protection Manager by email to or by post to Grupo Planeta, At. In this respect, please note that forms to exercise these rights are available on the website of the Spanish Data Protection Agency ( In such case Association EDC will stop processing the data, except for cases in which they are legally obliged to do so, or to exercise or defend against any possible claims. The Luxury Bachelor brings the essential knowledge of luxury marketing and prepares for the trades of commerce. Sup de Luxe , was founded by Cartier in 1990 under the name Institut Supérieur de Marketing du luxe. Under certain circumstances and for reasons related to their specific situation, the interested parties can oppose the processing of their data. Les écoles de marketing du luxe sont souvent spécialisées dans un secteur précis du luxe. Sup de Luxe , was founded by Cartier in 1990 under the name Institut Supérieur de Marketing du luxe. Enfin, la plupart des écoles recommandent aux étudiants de passer le TOEFL au cours de la formation. It has a global traffic rank of #877,502 in the world. These students aspire to work in the luxury goods industry, in various sectors: jewellery, gastronomy, real estate, fashion, …, SUP DE LUXE70 galerie des damiers - 92415 Courbevoie CedexCampus : 11 rue de Cambrai - 75019 Paris. This processing will therefore involve cross-referencing and enhancing the databases of the various companies that form part of Grupo Planeta. BACHELOR → MBA ... La semaine dédiée au monde du luxe en est un exemple significatif. Which recipients will your data be communicated to? To excel in the sector, young managers must be thoroughly familiar with its codes, different business models, marketing techniques and strategies, as well as with the specific requirements of international distribution of luxury goods and services. Code, culture et marketing du luxe sont les maître-mots de cette formation, en 3 ans après le bac. Cette exigence que nous avons pour nous comme pour vous est un chemin où la persévérance et le courage sont essentiels. Anybody has the right to obtain confirmation as to whether or not, at Association EDC we are processing personal data that concerns them. Paris School of Luxury, école du luxe, de la mode et de la beauté forme, sur des fondations pédagogiques innovantes, les futurs professionnels du luxe. Marketing digital Aquitaine. Find more data about ecole marketing luxe. Three years of professional training, general and sectoral with many internships and professional meetings. In 1995, Sup de Luxe became part of EDC Paris Business School, a reference school in entrepreneurship. L'ESG Luxe est une école de management du luxe basée à Paris. Nos points forts. What marketing strategies does Ecole-marketing-luxe use? Furthermore, your personal data and commercial profile will be transferred to the rest of the companies that form part of Grupo Planeta so that they can send you commercial communications about their products and services or the products and services of third-party companies that belong to or are unrelated to Grupo Planeta. Sup de Luxe, a specialised insitute in luxury management within a Grande Ecole, created by leaders in the sector, is endowed with academic and pedagogical excellence. Certaines écoles acceptent les bacheliers mais cela reste exceptionnel et se sont des … La troisième année est une année de professionnalisation lors de laquelle les stages à l’étranger seront obligatoires. esg luxe 5, avenue de l'Opéra 75001 Paris 01 83 62 24 70 plan d’accès . L’école a vu le jour pour répondre à un besoin exprimé par les grands acteurs du secteur du luxe : former des collaborateurs compétents et opérationnels. Duration: 3 years. DEES Marketing du luxe. The Institut Superieur de Marketing du Luxe, also known as Sup de Luxe, is a school which provides luxury management programs, Bachelor to MBA.Sup de Luxe is part of the EDC Paris Business School.The institute is a 'chair Cartier' and was created by professionals working in the luxury goods sector. Moreover, the interested parties have the right to receive the personal data related to them that they have provided in a structured, legible and common format, and to transfer this data to another responsible party. Le marketing de luxe; L’analyse des comportements clients; La finance; Les actions digitales (e-commerce, webmarketing, CRM, etc.). Préparez-vous un brillant avenir professionnel dans le secteur du luxe avec l’EIML Paris, la grande école internationale de marketing et management du luxe. Oriented towards professionalization, our school is the gateway to the implementation of our teachings in a permanent job, To constitute a pool of young managers for all the sector's professions, in close relationship with the brands, To train executives and managers to remain efficient and innovative in a constantly changing sector. Price: 9,600€ /year . Other Resources: We have 1 other meaning of EIML in our Acronym Attic. Retrouvez la liste complète des formations et des écoles dans notre annuaire de formations pour etudiant le plus complet de France. links to network IP address Ci-contre, la liste complète des écoles proposant des formations dans la filière Marketing du luxe. Business, finance, etc. Dispensé sur deux ans par l’École Internationale de Mode et Luxe, le BTS MCO spécialisation Mode & Luxe est un diplôme national de l’enseignement supérieur de niveau III (bac +2), accessible après le baccalauréat. Liens rapides. Fully taught in English, this program is a 3 year course that allows new and transfer students to think internationally, take initiatives and work in culturally diverse teams in order to become future business leaders. En savoir plus. Therefore, in the event that you do not provide this data, we will be unable to maintain these relations. In all cases, this primary purpose is not contingent on your consent to process the data that are not necessary for this primary purpose. Interested parties can exercise these rights and the withdrawal of their consents, if applicable, at any time by sending written notification to Association EDC, Post office box 221 of Barcelona or by email to Écoles et formations Marketing du luxe. Inscriptions 2020 / 2021. venez vous inscrire pour l'année 2021.